Walkers smash target!

Our supporters never fail to amaze us with a determination and spirit that wouldn’t look out if place on the field. Last week a group, accompanied by Chairman Kevin Nicholas for day 1, set out on a walk from Leeds to Barrow to arrive in time for the Betfred Championship fixture at Craven Park. Their aim was to raise funds for Cancer Charities. Camping and cooking along the way, the team finished the route on Sunday morning and in true Rugby League style were given a fabulous welcome by Barrow Raiders. The march was organized by Nick Sowerby who sums up the achievement below.

‘At 12pm last Sunday we finally arrived at Craven Park, Barrow, having set off from Leeds City Centre at 7am the previous Wednesday. 105 miles in 4 days and what an experience. Something the 6 of us will never forget. Physically and mentally challenging and at times gruelling, but worth every second of it in the name of an amazing cause. Even the putting up and taking down of the tent at the start and finish of each day!

The support we have received from the RL Community along the way has been simply overwhelming and we will always be eternally grateful. Without it completing the walk simply wouldn’t have been feasible. There are far too many people to name individually, but we’d like to give special thanks to the following:

  • Batley Rugby League Club for their general help and support
  • Barrow Rugby League Club (especially Karen) for organising us accommodation in Dalton on one of the nights and the tremendously kind hospitality when we arrived at the ground
  • The Batley News and Dewsbury Reporter for endorsing the event
  • The Batley fans for their support and donations leading up to, during and after the event
  • The Barrow fans for their amazing contribution to the Bucket Collection during the game (£565 raised)
  • EVERYONE who has assisted with the logistical aspect of the event both before and during it
  • EVERYONE who has kindly sponsored us

Absolutely superb.

Our original target was £4,000. As things stand we are at close to £5,500, which is absolutely phenomenal. If anyone else would like to donate to help us over the aforementioned amount it would be massively appreciated:


Thanks Again

The Batley Walking Gang’