Tiffany Funds boosted by £2500

We are sure everyone enjoyed a magnificent game of Rugby League yesterday in our opening round and so thank you everyone for your support

To update you on our fundraising for Tiffany, we can confirm that the bucket collection and half time draw raised £1,565.

In addition one of our sponsors, Simon at Christian Carpets, donated his hospitality box for 10 with all sale proceeds going to Tiffany, which was a very kind gesture. Two buyers came forward so the Club decided to add another box to raise a further £1,000.

In total then on the day we raised £2,565 thanks to your generosity. We will do other fundraising  over February and announce an updated total then. We can say Tiff’s family enjoyed the game although maybe not the result and were extremely grateful for your kindness as well as comforted by knowing we all care about her and her family.

So a big thank you, thank you, thank you.

Support Tiffany through Just Giving HERE