The response to our Half Time Draw plans for this coming Sunday has been fantastic, showing what a close club and community we are, and how much we all want to see the club survive through this difficult time for all.

One amazing gesture in particular has prompted Chairman Kevin Nicholas to update his statement from yesterday.

“In my recent update i mentioned that we had all worked hard for the last 22 years and were not going to let the present circumstances ruin everything, so we needed to ensure the Club got through this.

What i should also have mentioned was we have a duty to all those before us who have keep the Club going for 125 years as a Rugby League Club and before that since 1880.

What has prompted me to think further is a very quick and kind gesture by John Atkins, the former Batley director.
As soon as we announced we were starting a weekly half time draw as a first small initiative to help the Club, he immediately came forward and said he would sponsor the £100 prize. This is an individual not a massive company.
In our eyes as well as being a financial help it is also a magnificent gesture which inspires us going forward.
Thank you John.

I remember as a supporter in 1989, the Club was in a mess, the ground was in a poor state and the finances were perilous to say the least. Stephen Ball came along and formed a board with Ron Earnshaw, Richard Illingworth and none other than John Atkins, and in simple terms saved the Club and turned it round. Generally speaking, apart from a short spell in 1996/97, i believe we have not looked back since as a Club. So again thank you to John for his part.

That is one of many reasons why we will ensure we come out of this as their hard work in keeping the Club afloat then cannot be in vain.

So let’s make our first initiative a resounding success and get this draw off to a flying start.

Please spread the word and get people buying tickets. Click here to buy tickets.”

Kevin Nicholas