Pink Totals Smash Target

Kevin & Alexandra Nicholas revealed the astonishing amounts raised during this year’s Pink events at the weekend.

After adding funds from the Wembley walk and all aditional monies raised from the Pink Weekend itself, and incedible gestures such as Michael Ward’s head shave, the 2019 total reached an amazing £47,496.

Beverley’s dream and ambition was to reach £100,000 over our series of events and this amount takes us way past that to a grand total in 6 years of £118,500.

Our sincere thanks go to everyone who has helped or contributed in any way at all to the fundraising and promotion of our activities.

Chairman Kevin Nicholas said he and Alexandra were overwhelmed by the support shown to them over the most difficult of times and is astounded by the incredible totals raised in Beverley’s honour.

“We knew we had achieved the £100,000 goal which was driven by Beverley, but when we realised the final result it was totally and utterly breathtaking.

“People are so kind. Through all our troubles this restores any faith anyone may have lost in humanity. There are plenty of good people in the world and we must never forget that when we are bombarded with bad news.”

Our Pink initiatives will continue going forward, with Alexandra taking the reins to carry on her Mum’s legacy.