Pink Weekends total over £51,000

This year we held our 4th Pink Weekend in August and my goodness our fans dug in deep and donated very generously. We are delighted to announce that this year we raised £21,000 making a total of £51,000 over four years. This is an amazing amount of money and when the concept of the Pink Weekend was first thought of an amount that could never have been dreamed of
There can’t be many Rugby League Clubs that can say they have raised £51,000 in 4 years for charity, BUT, we can!

The Pink Weekend has now become part of the Batley Bulldogs calendar and we hope that that continues for many years
Chairman, Kevin Nicholas said “We are amazed at this amount and cannot thank our fans enough for their participation in the Pink Weekend. We don’t have a massive fan base but what we have are genuine fans who care about the Club and have embraced the Pink Weekend for 4 years. This year we promoted a walk from London Broncos to Wembley on Challenge Cup final day, raising money for the Pink Weekend and I hoped to get 120 people taking part. There were doubters that 120 people from Batley would take part but in the end we had over 130 and could have had more is transport would have allowed.

All that took part had a great day in their Pink tee shirts and the sight of them on Wembley Way and walking the perimeter of the pitch was fantastic”
The weekend had the entertainment, wet people on the Ducking stool, Pink Pig racing. Batley Boys tournament and of course our players in their Pink kit. Each kit was sold even before the match and orders are already placed for next years!

The Pink Weekend will be taking place again next year, August 18/19th and we hope that our fans will once again embrace the weekend and we can raise more money for Breast Cancer. Every penny raised has been donated even the 81p interest from the bank and together with these Charities we will work towards helping those affected, their families and friends and trying to find a vaccine for the future.

On behalf of the Club THANK YOU to all our fans for your amazing input