Hats Off to Our Medical Team

How are The Bulldogs Keeping Safe?

We’re less than a week from our planned return to action, which will come just one day short of exactly a year since the boys last took the the field, on March 7th 2020 in Toulouse.

After starting pre-season in late November an hoping against hop for an early return, things once again came to a halt in late December. However a change in the guidance allowed our clubs to return to limited training and with a star fast approaching and fixtures in the diary, we can all look forward to seeing The Bulldogs take to the field very soon.

The coaching staff have worked tirelessly to keep things organised, staff at the club also. But every club has unsung heroes, those people rarely see. The ability to return is due in no small measure to the fantastic work carried out by our medical staff.

Ally Briggs and Tom Pearson are at each session at the club, their work at the best of times is priceless, but the need to comply with safety procedures at this time is greater than ever. Attendance at training is registered, for authorised persons only, and all those attending are tested twice weekly.

Without Ally and Tom and their extra efforts, safe trainmg would be a huge challenge and matches unlikely. Take 5 minutes to have a look at how they work & hear how our Covid Procedures are making sure we can be back as soon as possible.