The one and only Gwen Whiteley

We are devastated this weekend with the news that our stalwart, Gwen Whiteley has sadly passed away.

A very familiar and popular face on Matchdays, Gwen’s self designated roll at the club was to raise funds in the bars through her famous raffle. The club never bought prizes, she supplied, begged or “borrowed” them, and the figures as you will see, from the efforts of one lady acting alone, are simply astounding

Gwen first held her matchday raffle on Boxing Day 2006, following on from a previous from the raffle which funded food for the A team games. From this day on she would pester, in the politest of manners, anyone who happened to cross her path. RFL Officials, Sponsors, Guests, Players, Staff, MPs, RL Superstars, The Mayor. Anyone at all. All greeted with a smile and a friendly chat as she took their money before they realised what had happened!

In that first game she made £204. By the end of the Featherstone Rovers game this year she had single handedly raised, for club funds, £21,541.

Furthermore, this does not include the money taken on Pink Weekend games from 2015 onwards as her records from those games simply say “Given to Pink”

Some, by no means all, items purchased directly using monies raised by Gwen are:

For the gym and Squad:
6 Rowing machines, An ultrasound machine, Physio benches,Ice machine

For the kitchens and hospitality:
Fridges, A griddle, Bain Maries, Tables, Cutlery, Crockery, Dishwasher, Glass washers, Coffee machine, Plate warmer,

For the Stadium:
Alarm system , Cooney Suite PA System, Contribution to the Stadium PA, Many of the seats in the stand.

And in 2008 half of the season’s raffle funds, £800, were given to Craig Lingard’s benefit year activities.

This is an incredible contribution to our club’s past and future, from a fabulous lady who will be very sadly missed. Not only did Gwen raise all this, she was a huge part of matchdays at the club, extremely popular in the Boardroom and Ron’s Lounge, a key member of the Breakfast Club, and a Batley Bulldogs fan through and through.

God Bless you Gwen, and from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.