Code Of Contact – Whitehaven v Bulldogs

If you are attending the game in Whitehaven this weekend please see below for the Code Of Conduct for the LEL Arena. Match tickets are available in advance on the Bulldogs Ticket Site, sales will close at 7pm Saturday evening.

Admission is ticket only and there is no opportunity to buy on the day. Please do not travel to the game without one.                           

  Covid-19 Spectator Code of Conduct

In order to assist our staff and stewards, and to help protect you and your fellow spectators, you are kindly requested to follow these guidelines.

Before purchasing a ticket, and again before attending a game, carry out your own personal risk assessment, taking into consideration not only your age, health status and clinical vulnerability, but also, if booking for others within your social bubble**, their age, health status, and clinical vulnerability.

As a condition of purchasing or being allocated a ticket, you must agree to provide details to support and assist NHS track and trace.

At all times and in all parts of The Recreation Ground please observe social distancing and avoid close contact with others who are not in your social bubble**.

  • Arrive in good time to go through all necessary entry procedures
  • Respect and keep to any spectator only zones
  • Make sure in advance that you know where your entry point is, and, if an entry time is specified on your ticket, be there on time
  • For spectators in standing areas, maintain social distancing requirements
  • Remain in your designated area and zone- you are NOT permitted to move between different areas during the game
  • Be aware that your temperature might be taken before entry
  • Be aware you will be required to wear a mask or face covering
  • If you need to access any of The Recreation Ground’s amenities, such as toilets, food and drink outlets, or concessions, check to see if any of them are not in use, and plan accordingly
  • If you do need to leave your viewing position, wait for a time when the gangway is clear and always follow the signs and routes indicating which way to go
  • If you are seated, when moving past other spectators, to and from your seat, please avoid face to face contact with other spectators – sometimes called the ‘brush past’ – have courtesy and turn your back as you pass
  • If you are standing, please stay in your allocated space, within your social bubble**, and remain aware of the movements of others at all times
  • Maintain good hand hygiene – use the sanitiser dispensers provided and avoid touching your face, or handles, railings etc, whenever possible
  • Always cover your mouth if needing to cough or sneeze
  • Avoid hugs, high-fives and any close contact with people who are not within your social bubble**
  • Take care when shouting, singing or celebrating
  • If you are attending with other members of your social bubble**, please make sure they all have read and understood this code of conduct
  • Fans must not pass on or sell tickets to any other individual, including anyone with their social bubble**

All fans who purchase, or individuals who are allocated tickets, agree to comply with this
Covid-19 Spectator Code of Conduct


**Social bubble is currently defined as up to 6 people from no more than 2 households.