Last minute changes for Lingard

Head coach Craig Lingard will make last minute adjustments to the the squad after 3 players withdrew just before the return to pre-season training.

Second Row man Jack Downs, a regualar high performer last season, is quitting the game after an opportunity to progress his career means he can not currently commit to the the schedule required. New siging Reece Dean also has a change of career which will see him spend time working away, and so unable to meet the schedule.

Danny Bravo, who has been with the club in recent seasons, and unable to make an impact due to serious injuries, is still unsure about his recovery and has regrettable made the decision to step away for now.

We’d like to wish all three the very best of luck for the future, and in the case of Jack Downs & Danny Bravo thank them for their efforts woth The Bulldogs.