As pre-season is now well underway the benefits of our on-site gym are there for all to see.

In 2016 thanks to major sponsorship from Riva Homes and Henley Stone we were able to create a brand new purpose built gym under the now K2 Stand.  Included in that gym was a new wrestle area created thanks to help from Centurian and this was a first for the Club. In the first season we equipped the gym with again help from one of our established sponsors Powerhouse Fitness. The following year saw us continue to improve the facility and now in readiness for the 2019 season we have given it an industrial clean thanks to MTM Consultancy group and improved equipment further thanks to sponsorship from Powerhouse Fitness and from End to End gym services.

Our Head Coach Matt Diskin expressed his delight “ This facility must be one of the best on site gyms at any Rugby League ground and it is certainly paying dividends having such a gym at our Club. It is improving our pre-season and will further help us tremendously throughout the season as we have all the equipment we need at our own stadium. A massive thank you to all our sponsors who made this happen. This is an excellent legacy for the Club and I am proud that we brought it to fruition whilst I am Head Coach”.

Chairman Kevin Nicholas added” It was Matt’s idea and he has worked hard to make it a reality with help from Danny Maun . However clearly it could not have happened without our superb sponsors and we are eternally grateful to them. We wanted an improved gym but the facility we have now has far exceeded our expectations and we are very proud of what has been achieved. It will serve us well for years to come and undoubtedly improves the standard of our preparation for all games”

Once again the Club would like to thank our sponsors:
Riva Homes
Henley Stone
Centurion Rugby
Powerhouse Fitness
End to End Gym Services
MTM Consultancy Group