Bulldogs go green on plastic glasses

Thanks to sponsorship from loyal Bulldogs supporter and sponsor Andy Robinson of the Cellar Bar we are launching our new reusable plastic pint glasses on Boxing Day which will then continue throughout the season including friendlies. The new plastic glasses are in two designs and also branded with our sponsors name.

The Cellar Bar is of course opposite Batley railway station on Station Rd and is the start of the famous and now very popular Ale Trail. As part of the deal we have supplied some plastic glasses to Andy as we seek to promote the branding of the Club to his customers be they local or from outside the town.Andy commented “ We have previously sponsored the Club in many different ways through the Cellar Bar and our Cattery business including being on the team shorts. This year I was asked to sponsor these new branded glasses and I agreed as I want to help the Club prosper in any way that I can. I hope supporters think this is a good idea.”
When purchasing your first pint at each game you will be asked to pay a refundable deposit of £1 for the plastic glass. If you buy any further drinks it can be reused or exchanged for another glass at no cost. If you return the glass undamaged you can receive a refund of £1 hence no cost to you. Alternatively you may wish to keep the glass to use at home and it then has cost you £1. The choice is yours and so there need be no cost to you at all..

Previously we used disposable plastic glasses which were only used for one drink then thrown away. Clearly that creates waste and with all the issues about plastic waste we think this is also a good way of doing our bit to reduce that waste.
Chief Executive Paul Harrison commented “ On a Monday after every home game we have a group of volunteers who carry out a clean up of the ground which can be a big operation especially after a big game. This initiative should make the job a little bit easier without all the throw away one use plastic glasses to clear up and should reduce our skip use so it’s good from a practical point of view. Also with our wind turbine, solar panels and now this we must be the most environmentally friendly Club in Rugby League! I like the look of the new glasses and they are a lot more sturdy than the old ones. Also I think people will want them as souvenirs and will be good for use in the garden at home as they do not break and can simply be washed and used again and again. I hope supporters will agree this is a great idea all round.

Finally Commercial Manager Danny  Maun added” This is a brilliant new idea at the Club and I especially want to thank Andy and the Cellar Bar for helping us make this happen. It is a great sponsorship and I am delighted that Andy never hesitated when asked to help. This is just one way sponsors can get involved and take the Club forward but this season I aim to get out there and make everyone aware of the Bulldogs and how they can also get involved with their local Club and enjoy being part of our community. I am excited as all sponsors I have spoken to so far are very positive and I am confident our sponsors will increase in 2019 to help us be a great traditional club playing an important role in the area.”