Chairman’s Rallying Call

Dear Supporter,

This week we welcome back to our Club John & Dawn Kear on what will hopefully be a great occasion with a superb game of Championship Rugby League on offer, We sincerely hope we have a big crowd as we need monies to finance our success and because our team deserve great support for their efforts so we need the whole of Batley and beyond  to get behind them as we push for the play offs and as high a finish as possible.

So even disregarding our two draws we now have 13 wins from 18 games which we need to put in perspective.
In 2011 under Karl Harrison when we finished 3rd in the League we achieved 12 wins in a 20 games season and in 2014 under John Kear we finished 8th but won 12 out of 26 games. So we have already beaten those records.
Then in 2021 under Craig when we finished 4th we won 13 out of a 21 game season so with our 2 draws we have already bettered last season playing so far 3 games less.

This brings us to probably our most successful seasons when in 2016 under John we  reached the Middle 8’s by winning 15 of our 23 games as well as one draw and in 2013 again under John when we finished 5th but then won through to the Grand Final and in that season we won 16 with one draw out of 26 games. So those are our targets to achieve the most successful season certainly in the last 25 years if not all time.(but as yet I have not checked that.) We now have 9 games to go to achieve our goals.
As previously mentioned we want to do our absolute best to also continue to improve in 2023 but we are well behind on finances if we are to achieve this hence any help you can give to support your Club in this respect will hopefully let us continue to achieve this goal.

We have our Grand Lifeline Draw with the £1,000 prize which we will draw as soon as we have sold 1,000 tickets at £2 each. These can be bought online on our ticketing site and so far we are half way there. It would be nice to reach our target by the weekend and have the draw at the Widnes game but that is in your hands. If you haven’t bought a ticket please do so or if you have please consider buying another. At £2 for a chance to win £1,000 it’s not a bad deal.
Then a big thank you to those who have agreed to join the WarChest and sponsor us £5 per win to help us towards winning pay!! Please consider joining as we will be doing 13 draws to win £100 for each of our 13 wins In Ron’s Lounge before the game v Widnes this week. Then we will do a draw every time we win but you have to be in it to win it as they say. If you want to join just text me on 07831230999 or speak to a director at the game.

Finally please come and support us at the SummerBash at Headingley 3pm KO on Saturday 30 July as it should be a great occasion. Please make sure you buy advance tickets from the Club as that is the only way we get monies. We receive absolutely nothing if you buy elsewhere or pay on the gate. We have discounted tickets and all are under £20. They can be purchased at the Widnes game this Sunday as well as at the Club during the week.

These last three suggestions are easy ways to help support your Club in these financially challenging times for all.

Hope to see you at the game and try to bring a friend and also if possible come In Ron’s Lounge before the game from 1pm.