What A Day!

SUNDAY’S HALF TIME DRAW WINNERS – Congratulations to Elizabeth Benson and Christopher Maguire

Just to say a massive thank you for making the Swinton game such a brilliant event. It was great having people back in the stadium and that is why we are here. Maybe it was not our best performance of the season but it was a hard fought game where we ultimately got over the line and got back to winning ways. However the most important thing was that we are back even if not in an ideal way.

We wanted to say first of all thanks for troubling yourselves to buy tickets when many are accustomed to simply turning up and paying. Then thank you for not complaining about any rules and more importantly observing them as most people seemed to follow them without any issue. Anyone who came in the outside bar area before , during or after the game also contributed to a superb atmosphere . To see Swinton supporters there following their team was good to see as well as our own support as it all contributed to a day of Rugby League celebration.

We are hoping that by our next home game on 27/6/21 v Halifax we will not be under the same restrictions but for the moment it is certainly not guaranteed so it is another waiting game. It is likely we will not know where we stand until 14/6/21 so we can only hope.

The one positive about everyone needing to buy tickets online is that we now have email addresses for more people to update you about the Club and to send people this email to thank them for their support.

For the next 3 weeks we will resume our weekly online draw and would ask you to buy tickets and support it as vital income for the Club in these Covid times. We are short of TWO SPONSORS for these draws for the £100 prize if anyone can help?
Our other fundraiser towards winning pay is our WAR CHEST where people can sponsor £100 per year all our wins or £5 per win and go into a draw for £100 every time we win a game. There are War Chests on each of our bars to put an envelope with monies in. If you have not been in it before then at our next home game just put an envelope in there with any monies but also include your name ,address, telephone number and email address so that we can contact you and give you your membership number. We are sending a separate email to members who already have a membership number to go in the draw. We of course now already have 5 wins so once we are back at home we will do draws for those wins ( and hopefully more!!) and publicise winning membership numbers on our website. If you can help by joining please do so.

We had a few comments about how well the Fox’s Biscuits Stadium looked and we are proud of everything that the Club along with volunteers help have done whilst we have been away. We have had nothing else to do apart from paint, clean, repair and improve every aspect of our facility but we have done this and we are now in a good place going forward. So again thank you for your kind comments.

Finally financially we are in a sound position going forward although things will get worse over the next few months especially if we achieve what we want to do namely win as many games as possible. So we are confident with a little help and support for rest of season we can get to October still financially sound and then move forward to be as good as we possibly can both on and off the field.

So now that we have seen you again we are confident we can enjoy many years of Rugby League together.

Thank you again and hope to see you soon.

Kevin Nicholas.