Brilliant Bulldogs Blitz Vikings

Match report by Luke Winner.

Batley scooped a fantastic win against opponents Widnes Vikings after a try fest in the second half saw the hosts run out 48 – 16.

It was a sloppy first 10 minutes for Lingard’s side with Widnes being quick off the mark. Eribe Doro and Kenneth Baker both scored not far from one another with Steve Tyrer converting both successfully.

However, the Bulldogs seemed to have flicked a switch with Hooley placing a chip over to find the hands of Jonny Campbell and bulldozer Josh Tonks carrying multiple defenders to stretch out to score shortly after. Dale Morton converted one out of the two.

Before half-time the Vikings did manage to extend their lead seeing Owen Buckley crossing over. Tyrer couldn’t convert and the score stood at Batley 10 – 16 Widnes.

The second half was nothing but short of some stunning Rugby League. The Bulldogs came out all guns blazing having seven unanswered tries.

Prop Michael Ward with a strong charge down and half-back Ben White riding a tackle over, were the first two to add their names on the score sheet. Morton converted one out of the two.

Dale Morton turned his defence quickly into an offence after a brilliant goal line interception running the full length to touch down. Luke Hooley also wanted to find himself over the line and did just that following on by some beautiful fluent back and forth passing to finally score. Morton converted one out of two.

Campbell executed a fantastically positioned chip kick to gain his 99th career try, Jodie Broughton sliced through the opposing teams defence and Dane Manning finished off the last try of the evening with a busting move to reach the whitewash. Morton converted one out of the three.

FULL-TIME: Batley 48 – 16 Widnes

The Bulldogs efforts once again were nothing but short of brilliance and will look to continue building their efforts against Newcastle away.

Batley: Luke Hooley, Jonny Campbell, Dale Morton, Jack Logan, Jodie Broughton, Ben White, Tom Gilmore, Adam Gledhill, Ben Kaye, Jack Blagbrough, Kieran Buchanan, Dane Manning and Josh Tonks.

Subs: Elliot Hall, Alistair Leak, Michael Ward and James Brown.

Widnes: Joe Lyons, Owen Buckley, Steve Tyrer, Lloyd Roby, Deon Cross, Danny Craven, Matty Smith, Paul Clough, Brad O’Neill, Kenneth Baker, Shane Grady, Ellis Robson and Eribe Doro.

Subs: Lewis Else, Adam Lawton, Owen Farnworth and Will Tilleke.